郭子龙 1989年出生,理学博士,西南大学含弘研究员,博士生导师。围绕非生物逆境,开展种质资源群体多组学研究,解析作物适应逆境胁迫的遗传基础,关注逆境响应过程中的翻译调控机制。研究成果以第一(含共同)或通讯作者在Nature Communications(2)、Molecular Plant、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Trends in Plant Science等国际知名期刊发表论文10篇,其中多篇论文入选F1000 Prime、ESI高被引论文、Featured Articles,以第一发明人获得国家授权专利一项。长期为Nature Communications、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal、PCE、TAG等杂志审稿,兼任Plant Phenomics(中科院一区Top)、New Crops、Modern Agriculture青年编委。
1. 解析作物抗逆(非生物逆境)遗传基础,发掘优异基因资源
2. 发掘参与逆境响应的翻译调控元件,应用于抗逆设计育种
3. 解析逆境响应过程中的翻译调控机制,构建翻译调控网络
代表性论文(#共同第一 *通讯作者)
1. Jiangen Wang#, Juhong Liu#, Zilong Guo*. Natural uORF Variation in Plants. Trends in Plant Science, 2024, 29(3):290-302
(ESI 高被引论文;Highlighted by Trends in Plant Science as “Most Read” and “Most downloaded”)
2. ZilongGuo#, Hongrui Cao#, Jing Zhao, ShuangBai, WentingPeng, Jian Li, Lili Sun, Liyu Chen, Zhihao Lin, Chen Shi, Qing Yang, Yongqing Yang, Xiurong Wang, Jiang Tian, Zhichang Chen*, Hong Liao*. A natural uORF variant confers phosphorus acquisition diversity in soybean. Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1): 1-14.
(F1000点评推荐;ESI 高被引论文;Featured Article of Nature Communications)
3. Zilong Guo#, Shouchuang Wang#, Feng Zhang, Denghao Xiang, Jun Yang, Dong Li, Baowei Bai, Mingqiu Dai, Jie Luo*, Lizhong Xiong*. Common and specific genetic basis of metabolite-mediated drought responses in rice. Stress Biology, 2024. doi: 10.1007/s-44154-024-00150-4. 1-16.
4. ZilongGuo#, Xiao Liu#, Bo Zhang, Xinjie Yuan, Yongzhong Xing, Hongyan Liu, LijunLuo, Guoxing Chen*, LizhongXiong*. Genetic analyses of lodging resistance and yield provide insights into post‐Green‐Revolution breeding in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2021, 19(4): 814-829.
5. ZilongGuo, Wanneng Yang*, Yu Chang, Xiaosong Ma, HaifuTu, Fang Xiong, Ni Jiang, HuiFeng, Chenglong Huang, Peng Yang, Hu Zhao, Guoxing Chen, Hongyan Liu, LijunLuo, Honghong Hu, Qian Liu, LizhongXiong*. Genome-wide association studies of image traits reveal genetic architecture of drought resistance in rice. Molecular Plant. 2018, 11(6):789-805 (Featured Article of Molecular Plant)
6. Wanneng Yang#, ZilongGuo#, Chenglong Huang#, LingfengDuan#, Guoxing Chen#, Ni Jiang, Wei Fang, HuiFeng, WeiboXie, XingmingLian, Gongwei Wang, QingmingLuo, Qifa Zhang, Qian Liu*, LizhongXiong*. Combining high-throughput phenotyping and genome-wide association studies to reveal natural genetic variation in rice. Nature Communications.2014, 5:5087.
(被Nature Reviews Genetics作为Research Highlight予以点评)
7. Di Wu#, ZilongGuo#, Junli Ye, HuiFeng, Jianxiao Liu, Guoxing Chen, JingshanZheng, Dongmei Yan, Xiaoquan Yang, XiongXiong, Qian Liu, ZhiyouNiu, Alan P Gay, John H Doonan, LizhongXiong, Wanneng Yang*. Combining high-throughput micro-CT-RGB phenotyping and genome-wide association study to dissect the genetic architecture of tiller growth in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2019, 70(2):545-561
8. Wanneng Yang#, ZilongGuo#, Chenglong Huang, Ke Wang, Ni Jiang, HuiFeng, Guoxing Chen, Qian Liu, LizhongXiong*. Genome-wide association study of rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaf traits with a high-throughput leaf scorer. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2015, 66(18):5605-5615.
9. KhamdokSongyikhangsuthor#, ZilongGuo#, Nili Wang, Xiaoyi Zhu, WeiboXie, TongminMou, LizhongXiong*. Natural variation in the sequence of SNAC1 and its expression level polymorphism in rice Germplasms under drought stress. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2014, 41(11):609-612.
10. Hui Feng#, Zilong Guo#, Wanneng Yang, Chenglong Huang, Guoxing Chen, Wei Fang, Xiong Xiong, Hongyu Zhang, Gongwei Wang, Lizhong Xiong*, Qian Liu*. An integrated hyperspectral imaging and genome-wide association analysis platform provides spectral and genetic insights into the natural variation in rice. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7(1): 4401.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (2020-2022),主持
2. 福建农林大学杰出青年科研人才计划项目(2020-2023),主持
3. 十四五国家重点研发计划子课题(2021-2026),主持
4. 西南大学高层次人才启动项目(2025-2029),主持
1. 5th Global Conference of Chinese Geneticists(第五届全球华人遗传学大会,2023)大会报告
2. 第二十届中国作物学会学术年会暨中国作物学会建会60周年庆祝大会(2023) 专题报告
3. 第四届青年生命科学论坛(中国科学院青年创新促进会,2022) 专题报告
E-mail:zlguo302@swu.edu.cn cjdxguozilong@163.com